Avoiding Expensive RV Roof Repairs

Nobody wants to deal with the hassle that comes from getting their motorhome’s roof repaired. However, unless you treat your vehicle right, it could easily be a part of your future. The way to avoid this is by ensuring you do simple things that make it less likely the roof will end up with problems to begin with. We’ll go over a few of those here so you can implement them with your own RV.

Keep Things Safe

Something that most people do not do, but that they should do, is go over their owner’s manual. You need to be aware of the specifications of your vehicle, especially when related to how much weight it can carry. Carrying more weight than suggested can do damage to your roof. This applies even when below the maximum load if the weight is kept up for a long amount of time.

Regularly Carry Out Inspections

When driving your RV, you may not be aware of how much abuse it takes. Things like harsh weather, tree sap, and debris are often taking a toll on the roof of your motorhome. Therefore, it’s important to be sure you keep an eye on what is happening, so you can take care of it as quickly as possible. A quick application of RV roof repair for a small blemish is better than having to do intensive repairs.

A good rule of thumb is to inspect the roof of your motorhome every three or four months. If the RV is kept under trees for prolonged periods, you may want to check even more often. You don’t want to see a buildup of leaves, algae, or mold as those can lead to more problems. When you do the inspection, make sure to go over the seams well and look for any problem areas.

You should also inspect inside the RV at the same time. This applies even if you see no problems on the outside. You may find water stains on the inside that wouldn’t be seen outside. Check the tops of walls as water is often seen there first, when it is still possible to take care of easily.

Clean the Roof

While you’re taking the time to inspect the roof, it’s also an excellent time to clean off the roof, as well. You may find a problem that is forming but would not be visible without cleaning. Of course, you should ensure that whatever cleaning solution you use is appropriate for your roof or the liquid roofing sealant you use.

Deal with Problems ASAP

Even if you do everything correctly, problems can still crop up. The good thing is that if the problem is a leak, you can usually handle that on your own using RV roofing materials. However, the problem will get worse if you let it go so deal with it when it comes up. Have some liquid roof on hand for the time when it’s needed so more expensive, professional measures are not required.